The Complete Interpreter
A podcast to help spoken language conference interpreters or public service interpreters stand out in a competitive market by improving their skills, mindset, and marketing.
The Complete Interpreter
Exercises for early simultaneous
Hi! Welcome to the Complete Interpreter podcast by the Interpreting Coach.
Why 'Complete Interpreter'? Because you're not just a translation machine, you're also a person and a business owner, and I hope to help you take a 360 view of yourself and share some great tried-and-tested strategies to improve your interpreting skills, mindset, use of target language, and marketing.
This episode is devoted to a discussion of exercises that can be useful in the 'early simultaneous stage' - particularly for improving split attention.
A bit shoutout to Andy Gillies and his book Conference Interpreting: a Student's Practice Book, as well as the fantastically useful
You can find Robin Setton's article here, and Karla Déjean Le Féal's article here. I also mentioned Cyril Joyce's early sim exercise in this episode, and Roderick Jones's methodical approach to using consecutive as a basis for early simultaneous.
And of course I suggested the ORCIT website, which contains useful material not only about simultaneous, but consecutive without notes, note-taking, and public speaking as well.
Let me know what you'd like me to talk about next!
Sophie (aka The Interpreting Coach)
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