The Complete Interpreter

Some end of year thoughts

Sophie Llewellyn Smith Season 2

Hi! Welcome to the Complete Interpreter podcast by the Interpreting Coach.

Why 'Complete Interpreter'? Because you're not just a translation machine, you're also a person and a business owner, and I hope to help you take a 360 view of yourself and share some great tried-and-tested strategies to improve your interpreting skills, mindset, use of language, and marketing.

This episode is more of a chat than anything else. Don't expect to learn a lot! I talk a bit about questions you can ask yourself to review the year, and think ahead to 2024. For example:

  • What achievements are you most proud of?
  • What lessons did you learn?
  • Who made the biggest impact on you?
  • What could you STOP doing in 2024?
  • What brings you energy and joy, and how can you incorporate those things into your day?
  • What are your learning/process goals for next year?

Let me know what you'd like me to talk about next!
Sophie (aka The Interpreting Coach)

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