The Complete Interpreter

Being concise in simultaneous

March 20, 2023 • Sophie Llewellyn Smith • Season 1

Hi! Welcome to the Complete Interpreter podcast by the Interpreting Coach.

Why 'Complete Interpreter'? Because you're not just a translation machine, you're also a person and a business owner, and I hope to help you take a 360 view of yourself share some great tried-and-tested strategies to improve your interpreting skills, mindset, and marketing.

In this episode, I talk about being concise: what's the point? How can you reduce your word count (and is that REALLY what's important?).

Here a summary of my suggestions:

  • Cut out repetition and redundancy
  • Avoid fillers, hesitations and qualifiers (if you're a conference interpreter)
  • Don't hedge (unless the speaker is doing so deliberately)
  • Be mindful of your word choice; use shorter forms ('use', not 'utilise') and avoid verbose turns of phrase ('due to the fact that'...)
  • avoid lengthy and complicated passive constructions

To APPEAR more concise - and clearer! - even if there are just as many words 🙂

  • use salami technique: chop the source material into shorter chunks
  • connect the chunks with logical connectors
  • use SVO word order if your target language lends itself to this, and start sentences with the subject
  • keep the subject and verb close to each other
  • use intonation as a fantastic shortcut!

The speech I chose (in French) is number 32125 in the SCIC Speech Repository, titled L'Hydrogène.

I wanted to give you transcripts here, but they exceed the permitted word count for show notes. However, you can find them on my blog.

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